Friday, April 14, 2017

A Letter by the father of St. Alfred the Great

St. Alfred the Great, my Great Grandfather
This letter by St. Alfred's father, explains why things are the way they are, even though he his speaking of England.

"For nearly 350 years we and our fathers have dwelt in this most beautiful land, and never before has such a terror appeared in Britain, such as the one that we are suffering from this pagan nation.  Nor was it thought that a ship would attempt such a thing.  Behold the church of Saint Cuthbert, splattered with the blood of the priests of God, plundered of all its treasures, a place more venerable than anywhere in Britain is given over to pagan nations for pillaging. . . the heritage of the Lord has been given over to a people who are not his own.  And where the praise of the Lord once was, now is only the games of pagans.  The holy feast has been turned into a lament." King Aethelred, King of Northumbria to the Court of Charlemagne

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Public Notice For Ordo Militaris Inc.

Ordo Militaris Inc, the only Catholic Private Security Company in the world, has filled the position of Staff Recruiter by signing and hiring a retired Marine Corps Major, news will be released in the near future where we will introduce him.

The Death Of Christian Europe

This map shows the decline and death of Christian Europe, it comes from this reporter on Twitter

It is because of the weakness, co-existance, teachings by the Liberal Priests and Bishops that has ruined Europe and the Christian World.   It is also the denial of the authority of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church and no longer preach and teach the writings of these great Saints, Teachers and Defenders of the Faith.

To keep Europe and the Christian world from dying, it is the need to teach the Authentic Faith and rid the posion from the mind and heart that was put there in after Vatican II, once they get that out of their mind and heart, it is time to replace it with the Authentic Faith of the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church and learn how to practice and live the Authentic Faith.  This will also get families to have big families again, get the population up above the danger zone of no return and retake the world by the birth of more Traditional, Authentic Catholics and less fake liberal small catholics.

I Support The New Movie On The Armenian Genocide

This new movie is called The Promise, it is written and directed by the same man who did the movie on the Genocide in Rwanda and the Turkish Government is already doing their best to make the movie fail by posting fake reviews on many of the movie review pages that review the movies and are covered by big time news media. I pray that Our Lord protects everyone involved in doing this movie and helps to make sure the movie is a Global Success!

Here is the Preview Of the movie

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

To The People Of Saint Petersburg

Дорогие мои петербуржцы, пусть мой великий дед святой Петр Великий заступится за вас и ваших близких, обижайте и молитесь за души тех, кто не пережил террористический акт.

Я молюсь, чтобы президент Путин помог Соединенным Штатам и миру устранить все проявления исламского терроризма с земли, даже моя дорогая Мать-Россия больше не тронута осадой исламских террористов, но, возможно, мы будем последними, а Европа Восстанавливается - это свято и восстанавливается, это может быть и защищает людей прежде всего, строгая охрана границ и отбор и прекращение этого вторжения в Европу.

Существует Частная охранная компания, созданная для того, чтобы помочь прислушаться к призыву президента Трампа убрать все следы исламского терроризма с земли, но мы также защищаем и защищаем христиан, которых убивают террористы. Я не уверен, если вы можете помочь этой компании, но если вы можете и законы позволяют, пожалуйста, посетите их веб-сайт и поделиться им.

Пусть Бог благословит вас и сохранит вас и поможет вам объединить ваши страдания с Нашим Благословенным Господом во время его страсти и смерти в этот священный период Великого Поста

Dorogiye moi peterburzhtsy, pust' moy velikiy ded svyatoy Petr Velikiy zastupitsya za vas i vashikh blizkikh, obizhayte i molites' za dushi tekh, kto ne perezhil terroristicheskiy akt.

YA molyus', chtoby prezident Putin pomog Soyedinennym Shtatam i miru ustranit' vse proyavleniya islamskogo terrorizma s zemli, dazhe moya dorogaya Mat'-Rossiya bol'she ne tronuta osadoy islamskikh terroristov, no, vozmozhno, my budem poslednimi, a Yevropa Vosstanavlivayetsya - eto svyato i vosstanavlivayetsya, eto mozhet byt' i zashchishchayet lyudey prezhde vsego, strogaya okhrana granits i otbor i prekrashcheniye etogo vtorzheniya v Yevropu.

Sushchestvuyet Chastnaya okhrannaya kompaniya, sozdannaya dlya togo, chtoby pomoch' prislushat'sya k prizyvu prezidenta Trampa ubrat' vse sledy islamskogo terrorizma s zemli, no my takzhe zashchishchayem i zashchishchayem khristian, kotorykh ubivayut terroristy. YA ne uveren, yesli vy mozhete pomoch' etoy kompanii, no yesli vy mozhete i zakony pozvolyayut, pozhaluysta, posetite ikh veb-sayt i podelit'sya im.

Pust' Bog blagoslovit vas i sokhranit vas i pomozhet vam ob"yedinit' vashi stradaniya s Nashim Blagoslovennym Gospodom vo vremya yego strasti i smerti v etot svyashchennyy period Velikogo Posta

My dear people of Saint Petersburg, may my Great Grandfather St. Peter the Great intercede for you and your loved ones hurt and pray for the souls of those who did not survive the terrorist attack.

I pray that President Putin will help the United States and the World to remove every strain of Islamic Terrorism from the earth, not even my dear Mother Russia is no longer untouched by the siege of the Islamic Terrorists, but may we be the last and Europe is restored it's sainty and restored it is might and protects it's people first, strict border security and screening and end this invasion of Europe.

There is a Private Security Company, founded to help heed the call of President Trump to remove every trace of Islamic Terrorism from the earth, but we also defend and protect the Christians who are being slaughtered by the terrorists.  I am not sure if you can help this company, but if you can and laws allow it, please see their website and share it.

May God bless you and keep you, and help you to unite your sufferings with Our Blessed Lord's during his passion and death during this holy season of Lent

Andrew Baalman

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