Saturday, November 25, 2017

Saint Pope John Paul II Had A Vision About Islamic Invasion of Europe

In accord with this vision of Pope John Paul II of the Islamic Invasion of Europe and his declaration that the Church MUST FIGHT AGAINST this invasion:


#HolyLeague2018 Faithful to Pope John Paul II's declaration that the Church of the Third Millenium MUST fight against the Islamic Invasion of Europe, this hashtag will signify the CALL for the formation of an international ALLIANCE to oppose and stop Islamic Invasion of Europe!

#HolyLeague2018 We call on all organizations which pledge support for the formation of this Alliance to use this hashtag in their Social Media profiles and to contact our offices for information regarding its promotion & international conference for its formation.

Whether religious, humanitarian, or professional corporations dedicated to law, security, defense, diplomacy, etc.. Any organization wishing to adhere should contact @Ordo_Militaris Inc at

All Correspondence to the Religious Association, Ordo Militaris Catholicus, should be directed to:

Ordo Militaris, Inc.
302 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 403 PMB
Helena, MT, 59601

We Are Fighting The Same Fight As Crusaders Of Old

I am told not to speak on my ancestry due to our new member to Ordo Militaris, his ancestor served under my uncle Richard I in the Crusade, and might cause some ill feelings, but, I do not intend to cause ill feelings, but to help our Order and our new Fundraiser.

When thinking on the problem of Islamic Terrorism and them persecuting Christians, their ancestors did the same and so our ancestors or family members in Europe decided to take up arms and defend our Christian Brethren.  This fight, even though most do not want to say it, or believe it, is religious, and can only be won by a group of Catholics and all Christians gathering together and uniting to fight them and save Christians; this is what we are doing at Ordo Militaris, in the spirit and fashion of the Crusaders of Old, but founded as a Private Military Corporation in Montana; and so, we can do this legally.

But, we are very different compared to the secular Private Military Companies, we do not take any Government funding, and we depend solely on Private Donations and Investments, what we did for the Christians in El-Kaa was amazing, but we need your help in another fundraiser to help the Order directly, in raising $8,000 for one advertisement in a paper in Washington D.C. that will take it. This way we can finally make the Order totally public, next we need investors to invest with us and help us raise $500,000 for an office and help get it furnished. 

Please consider helping by donating & investing to The #DeusVult Capital Campaign

Friday, November 24, 2017

Help Ordo Militaris Catholicus In Their New Fundraiser

The « Deus Vult! » Capital Campaign


"We scarcely realize, as Christians, that we have it in our power to raise a military force for the defense of Christendom from Jihad! We do not need to petition world leaders, or call conferences or sign petitions.  We already have all that it takes to accomplish the task, because God our Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have already BLESSED us with everything we need: the men, the talent, the riches, and the know-how.
Likewise, our compassion for persecuted Christians must have foresight and be prudent over time, because if we only let our selves be moved to help them when we see images of their suffering caused by persecution and do not take action to prevent the persecution, we will never support their military defense and security and they will remain victims on account of our carelessness!
These truths are at the heart of the #DeusVult Capital Campaign — the private initiative of Ordo Militaris Catholicus to found and organize an international effort to create an Holy Alliance of Private Military and Security companies dedicated to the defense and security of Christians who are persecuted for the faith.
In 2016-2017, we took the first step by establishing a US Corporation dedicated to the defense and security of persecuted Christians:  Ordo Militaris, Inc..
Being a military and security effort, in accord with all applicable laws governing private efforts, to be successful we will have to raise the capital needed from the superabundant wealth with which the Lord Jesus has already blessed us, not for our own good, but so that we might be able to serve Him and care for His people!
To learn more about the #DeusVult Capital Campaign, please listen to our Blog Talk Radio Program about it, by clicking the Blue Cross to the Right! Thank you!

The First Step in our goal is to raise $500,000 to purchase about 4000 square feet of office space in Montana, USA.
To accomplish this goal, you can assist by either Investing your Capital with us, or Donating your Capital to us.
To invest, see our Investment Page for our Y01 Stock, which sells for $1000 USD per share.
The #DeusVult Capital Campaign — First Phase
Since the acquisition of so much capital will take publicity efforts to get the word out, we are raising here $8000 to put a newspaper advertisement in a Conservative Newspaper in Washington, D.C..
By means of this advertisement, we seek to gain significant pledges of capital and investments to reach our first goal of $500,000, since an advertisement placed in the Nation’s Capital is more likely to spark and spread the news of our initiative throughout the entire United States of America.
To assist in this campaign, please consider making a One Time capital donation of any amount toward this effort, please click The #DeusVult Capital Campaign Page Link and Scroll Down To The Donate Button and Make Your Generous Donation.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

To My Swedish Citizens On All The Trouble Going On

To my fellow Swedes, I have been following what has gone on for way too long in our beloved country and homeland, thanks to one person who is reminding the people of this eleven year old girl, Ebba Akerlund, who was murdered by a Muslim Terrorist and the BBC won't cover it and then by the brave home country journalist, Peter Imanuelsen 

Keeping Sweden in the news on the horrible atrocities by the illegal immigrants in Sweden thanks to the weak government and the European Union, there have been 16 bombings in 28 days in Sweden and it is time for the King, my cousin, to step in and stop all this madness and reclaim his authority over the government and protect the people, and restore Law and Order and arrest and detain all these Terrorists and put them in military prison and fast track to just punishment of death; if they've killed people with the bombs or life solitary confinement.

I also ask you, to be on guard and careful, also be watchful and help the police in finding these bad guys and get them off the streets. 


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

November Revolution Anniversary

As we enter into November, it is in this month that my family was removed from power and their government was replaced with the Bolshevik Government by Lenin and the other Communists who used the same tactics as the Revolution in France, terror and confusion.

The woman, who some call Empress in the remaining members of the Romanovs and others say she is not, either way she wrote a beautiful piece on this important anniversary and urge you to read it by clicking Read Here

As she said, "we cannot change history, but see what happened and see how to correct the mistakes that happened" but from what I have seen on the news and other news reports, Russia once again are still not helping their people by working with countries that support terrorism or abuse human rights, then must have sanctions put on their economy and other areas of government, this hurts the people and this must stop.

If Russia wants to be good to their people, restore Russia's Constitution back to Christ, no more former members of the Old KGB and Soviet Leaders as government officials, but true Christian Leaders, the returning of Russia back to the Holy Mother, it too was her dowry as England. Return their Christian Heritage and Traditions, these things would be the proper way to restore Russia and bring back a booming economy for all citizens, restore their rights, end propaganda TV and Radio, restore actual news to the people and end the secret police, but strengthen actual Police units to protect the country and citizens and the Christian Faith from being removed. 

Finally, I must correct the record of an article on there is no more great grandsons of Tsar Nicholas II, because Ancestry Website proved I am one of his great grandsons.

Andrew, Great Grandson of Tsar Nicholas II

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Courts In The United Kingdom Make Their Citizens, Second Class Citizens

The High Court of the United Kingdom, what would be the Supreme Court of the United States of America, has ruled in favor of children refugees, that are alone and unattended, can get everything taken care of, including proper education; meaning they go ahead of the UK children in everything. 

This ruling, just like everything else in the UK, with their liberal Mayor of London and Prime Minister, has damaged the United Kingdom to a point that has taken the God given Rights from their citizens and gave them to strangers and invaders, brought in to destroy the United Kingdom and everything Christian of their glorious Catholic heritage and remake the Isle Britannia into something secular and ungodly. 

I take Umbrige to this ruling that is against the natural rights of their citizens and decry this injustice, and fully support my Great Grandfather's Idea of such a court and houses of Lords and Commons are bad for the country and so was all against the Duma Courts in Imperial Russia, to protect the heritage and religious ideology of the pe!ople, and not force on them by judges something that would hurt the people, as it has done in the UK.  If Britannia had a Catholic King with full governing powers, this ruling would not have happened. 

No political parties would or will save Britannia, only the Authentic Catholic Faith, returning Britannia back to Our Blessed Mother as her dowry, and the return of the Catholic King and Queen, and no more Parliament or houses of government. 

This is the only thing to save Britannia and her people from worldly men and women and invaders. 

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