Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Courts In The United Kingdom Make Their Citizens, Second Class Citizens

The High Court of the United Kingdom, what would be the Supreme Court of the United States of America, has ruled in favor of children refugees, that are alone and unattended, can get everything taken care of, including proper education; meaning they go ahead of the UK children in everything. 

This ruling, just like everything else in the UK, with their liberal Mayor of London and Prime Minister, has damaged the United Kingdom to a point that has taken the God given Rights from their citizens and gave them to strangers and invaders, brought in to destroy the United Kingdom and everything Christian of their glorious Catholic heritage and remake the Isle Britannia into something secular and ungodly. 

I take Umbrige to this ruling that is against the natural rights of their citizens and decry this injustice, and fully support my Great Grandfather's Idea of such a court and houses of Lords and Commons are bad for the country and so was all against the Duma Courts in Imperial Russia, to protect the heritage and religious ideology of the pe!ople, and not force on them by judges something that would hurt the people, as it has done in the UK.  If Britannia had a Catholic King with full governing powers, this ruling would not have happened. 

No political parties would or will save Britannia, only the Authentic Catholic Faith, returning Britannia back to Our Blessed Mother as her dowry, and the return of the Catholic King and Queen, and no more Parliament or houses of government. 

This is the only thing to save Britannia and her people from worldly men and women and invaders. 

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