Friday, January 17, 2020

A Year For Holy Pilgrimage To The Shrine Of Saint Queen Margaret of Scotland!

Yesterday, we learned about the first part of the Secret Shame of Scotland and how Scotland fell, but how do we fix these problems?  We renew our faith in Christ, we relearn our history and share the Catholic Faith once again, to make Scotland Great Again, To make Scotland Independent Again, To Make Scotland Catholic Again!

What better way on making Scotland, Scotland Again, by honoring our Queen! Making Holy Pilgrimage to her resting place, asking her intercession to restore Scotland!

I call on all Catholics of Scotland and People of Good Will who are Protestants but who do not hate the Catholic Church, to learn your history, to come to know Scotland properly, and that is through the intercession of Saint Queen Margaret of Scotland! So, Make Pilgrimage to Saint Margaret's Shrine At Dunfermline Abbey!

My prayers are with you and may my Great Grandmother's intercession with the help of God, restore Scotland!


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