Monday, May 22, 2017

Time For the United Kingdom To Protect Their People

St. King Alfred the Great, My Great Grandfather
Click to See First Message To People of Manchester

My dear people of Great Britain,

in our great history, we've been attacked by the Barbarians that were Denmark Vikings who raided, plundered, raped, murdered the British Coasts.  We did not sit back and allowed it to continue, we fought them, especially when the large invasion force of Vikings during the time of my Great Grandfather, St. King Alfred, he knew it was his mission to save England and that is what he did, the final battle was when he starved the Vikings and their leader in Alfred's palace and finally had them surrender, but did not take them prisoner, but to baptize them into the Catholic Faith.

Every century we have different style barbarians that have attacked the British Isles, even the V-Bombs of Nazi Germany were part of those attacks and we attacked back with the hugest invasion force ever seen and defeated them, now we have barbarians attacking again, this time as Islamic Terrorists.

Who shall rise again to defend Britain and end these modern day barbarians?

I hope it will be the UKIP who is for Brexit, who will hopefully secure the borders of the United Kingdom, to stop the illegal migrant push by the European Union, and end the multicultural and pluralism started by Tony Blair, and return to a strict British Culture and Traditions that are founded on Christian Principles and no more Islamic ideology, shutting down the no-go zones and no more Sharia Courts, strict watching on the mosques that promote the Orthodox views that follow the Quran word for word, as terrorist groups do.

These groups must be found and stopped, stricter security in all soft target areas, bus stations, train stations, concert arenas, football stadiums, government halls, London Bridge, the London Towers, etc.  A strong and strict message by action as well as words, must be sent that these Islamic Terrorists who live the Quran word for word, that these attacks will not be tolerated, your attacks will be met with severe attacks on you to bring you to justice, you will be treated as a War Criminal, with strict death penalties carried out, but before, investigations carried out to get all information you know or carry, to stop your other criminals.

This is the message that should be sent by the Prime Minister and Royal Family, and hunt these barbarians down to secure Britain and be joined in this hunt by the world to bring these barbarians to justice.


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