Sunday, February 19, 2017

I Support Le Pen's Remarks To Current French President

Royal Coat of Arms of the Capet Family

Coat of Arms of the Dukes of Anjou
Click To Read The Remarks of Marine Le Pen

Now, I have read most sides of the stories happening in France, some of the riots are from the Muslim Migrants who have taken over the suburbs and there is an Anti-Police Protest Riots as well.  I am also glad she has the courage to call out the failing government of France, even though I do not support her number 20 Policy of the return of prison ships, I support her to help restore France and bring back law and order to this great nation.

Now, I do not support what the Police may have done to certain citizens, in harming them, but it does not give these protestors the right to riot and burn down their cities and call all Police bad or evil.  These people, who I believe are apart of the same protests we still have in America, paid professional protestors and rioters, paid by big money liberals who does not love France or even from France, but some powerful outsider.  These outsiders must be found out and arrested and brought to justice for disturbing the peace. 

I tell the normal citizens, protest yes, but peacefully and civilly, do not cause harm to your cities, your country and your countrymen, do not take part in any illegal activity, when the Police tell you to go home for the night, listen and do so. Do not block traffic, if fire trucks or ambulances need to come through, get out of their way to do their important job in saving lives.

To the Professional Protestors, you have no rights to do what you are doing, since it is done by perversion through you being paid money and using pre-made signs and etc, this is not true Protesting which is a right of free speech, but a perverted style of protest is done when protestors are paid to protest something.  So, I urge you to turn yourself in and give the Police the name of the person in-charge who begun the protest with payment and professional signs and slogans.

Andrew Baalman, Great Grandson of King Hugh of Capet.

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