Saturday, February 18, 2017

Sweden Has Broken Their Constitution

The country of Sweden has broken their own constitution by allowing children wives to Islamic Men, when their constitution says:

"The public institutions shall promote the opportunity for all to 
attain participation and equality in society and for the rights of 
the child to be safeguarded"

Then the failing of the government to protect the people from foreign nationals who intend to do harm to the citizens and change the way of life for Sweden and end the Monarchy, Parliament, etc is in their own constitution

"Article 25 [Foreign Nationals]
(1) For foreign nationals within the country, special limitations may be introduced to the following rights and freedoms:
1) freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of assembly, freedom to demonstrate, freedom of association and freedom of worship (Article 1, paragraph one);
2) protection against coercion to divulge an opinion (Article 2, sentence one);
3) protection against physical violations also in cases other than cases under Articles 4 and 5, against body searches, house searches and other such invasions of privacy, against violations of confidential items of mail or communications and otherwise against violations involving surveillance and monitoring of the individual's personal circumstances (Article 6);
4) protection against deprivation of liberty (Article 8, sentence one);
5) the right to have a deprivation of liberty other than a deprivation of liberty on account of a criminal act or on suspicion of having committed such an act examined before a court of law (Article 9, paragraphs two and three);
6) public court proceedings (Article 11, paragraph two, sentence two);
7) authors', artists' and photographers' rights to their works (Article 16);
8) the right to trade or practice a profession (Article 17);
9) the right to freedom of research (Article 18, paragraph two); and
10) protection against violations on grounds of an opinion (Article 21, sentence three).
(2) The provisions of Article 22 (1), (2) sentence one and (3) apply with respect to the special limitations referred to in paragraph one."

They give certain things that only citizens should have, this is why it is so hard to round up and keep in-check those in the country, not as citizens, but as Foreign Nationals, the Foreign Nationals are not citizens and should never have the same rights as citizens, but should be held incheck to not to attack the country they either take refugee in for a temporary time or that of Foreign Nationals of the different world governments and if they should attack or no longer keep the peace, they should be forced out immediately for the good of the country and the citizens therein. This is what the article in the constitution should and must read!

Andrew J. Baalman, Grand Nephew, Great Grandson of the Kings of Sweden.

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