Friday, January 13, 2017

More On The Bank Of England Problems

To understand where I am coming from, I point you to this post I did regarding the issue that came up in December and why there is a housing problem in England, now another report regarding how the Bank of England will be hurt once the UK is out of the EU

The only way the Bank of England will succeed, is where they get rid of printing the money for the entire country and set up "the post and office of the National Treasurer that takes care of the money making for the entire country and makes sure it is secure from those who make illegal copies.  This way no more interest payments to the bank: "As taxpayers, we have to pay the interest on all this money that the government has borrowed. We currently spend more in interest on the national debt (£51 billion annually) than we spend  on either defence, the police or on transport (including the road system). This interest costs works out at £1,700 per income-tax payer per year."

By lowering the taxation on the money by it being made by the government, it will save the English People more money and will allow more take home pay, what is not being taxed, will go to pay for housing, police, military, Fire Rescue and EMT Rescue.

Second Thing the government must regulate the printing of money so no longer building up a huge debt hole that will become so large that nothing can fix it.  This also goes to changing the way of living goes in England as I saw in the commenters:

"The Rich: which happily sucking wealth, obviously the greatest supporters of this system" He means the current and broken system.

"The Workers "Those doing their best and must remain busy in order to pay off their bills.

"The Self Employed "The self-employed person who has worked their nuts off and can now choose his/her own hours and realises that you don't actually NEED much to live on. They have more free time to understand what's going on."

The Milkers: "living well and happily on the safety net, what else could be better than enjoying benefits without a single drop of sweat"

As you can see, these commenters are very upset about the current and broken system.  To fix the system, means fixing the way of living.  Meaning those that milk the system or those who want to suck the wealth out of the country would be cut off, if they have so much money to live as such, then they should pay a higher tax, while the middle to lower class receives the huge tax break.  By the middle and lower class receiving such a tax break and cut, they won't have to run themselves wild and causing themselves to go crazy trying to make ends meet and to pay their bills, the bills will be lower, minimal tax to pay, more take home, plus better insurance, healthcare benefits for the whole family.

It is a system that Donald J. Trump will be introducing, that the late Ronald Regan did, plus other great Presidents did, making the rich pay their fair share, lower the taxes on the middle and lower class families and workers so their way of life improves. Plus, to keep jobs in England, lower the Business tax for those that start jobs or the amount it costs to build in the UK, this will keep jobs in the UK and even create jobs by hiring the citizens than hiring cheaper workers. 

By this, there will be more money for the other departments of government and of the cities and everything will be funded. 


Reprinted from blog post in December

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