Friday, January 13, 2017

Regarding The Anglicans Being Called By Police In Scotland "Hate Crimers"

Anglicans Cited For Hate Crime While Standing Up For Christ In Church Service Against Muslims

I must call out the weak Police in Scotland and the Anglican Pastor, what the people did during the Church Service was correct in doing so, they were defending Christ against the heretical Muslims who errupted and interrupted the service by their yelling and quoting from a heretical book, the Quran, the Anglicans are not hate crimers, they are brave and good Christians in standing up for the Faith in their own church. 

I would charge the Muslims for coming in and yelling from their book and disrupting the Anglican Service, that could be some sort of crime, but would need to know if they quoted the violence against unbelievers.

Then that would be means for citing the Muslims for actual hate crime and violence against Christians. I would not let Christians who defend the Faith in their parishes be cited for Hate Crime against Muslims.

Finally, I would ask these Police Officers and law officials, to resign for doing such horrible job and attacking Christians.

Andrew J. Baalman, Great Nephew and Grandson of the Kings and Queens of Scotland


  1. you need a second amendment like we have in America, the ability to defend yourselves with arms is a God given right. The Magna Carta recognized your natural rights long ago.

    1. Thanks for being my first ever commenter, I agree, the Magna Carta would be one thing I would restore to where the lawful citizens of Europe can defend themselves and no more of the Politically Correctness that is killing Europe

  2. That is horrible. Is there a link to the story? What exactly did the Anglecans do? I'd be curious if there are Muslims within the police force or local government. A similar situation happened in Dearborn, Michigan. Christians were evangelizing on public property during a Muslim festival and they were attacked and pelted with rocks. The police and local officials actually sided with the Muslims. Turns out they are in the local gov., as I understand it. The Christians took it to the appellate court, represented by the Thomas More Law Center, and won.

  3. Here is the story link, I posted the link to the author, so here is the link to the story


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