Friday, January 13, 2017

The Continuation Of Restoring Europe Back To Monarchy and Catholicism

Part One

My fellow Europeans, I never ever dreamed what was confirmed by to be a reality, but as the old saying goes, "you don't get to pick your families, they are given to you by God."  It is like the movie The Princess Diaries, I've always dreamed of being a Knight around King Arthur's round table, a Crusader defending the Holy Lands and the Christians and when each name revealed a pattern that I belonged to every Royal House of Europe, my first thought and still is, "why did God choose a sickly young man who lives on a farm in small rural America?"  The names, the houses, everything still blows my mind and takes my breath away.

I first must ask your forgiveness for the horrible treatment of the Christians my ancestors; Caesars and Nero did to our brethren, when I learned of this, I got sick to my stomach for knowing what they did to the Church.  Also the barbaric Viking kings who did awful things to our Christian brethren, the few who converted,

One Viking King of France, Rollo:
He is one of the links to the current Royal Family of England, he and Dianna is my links to the current Royal Family. 

If I could reclaim the thrones of my family, I would have to figure a way to secure all sides, the British Isle, Ireland, and the main land Europe, it would be tricky and difficult, I have no idea how my family did it during the Holy Roman Empire, I think the best way is to do something like this:

There should be appointed officials by the King who report daily, I mean everything big to small and this way nothing is not withheld, the technology of "Go To Meeting" or "Skype" for this multiple times of day update call ins. Everyone put in place will have strict verifying meetings and hearings to make sure they are uncorruptable and will listen to the people and allow the people to speak to them and with them, even to allow the people to speak to the King either in person or by video chat.

The officials who watch over the different areas of Europe are there not to make laws, or to make policies, but to do what the King says to do and nothing else, they are there to help the people, to protect them, to make sure their taxes are low, take home pay is large, great healthcare but at super low prices and make sure they work the cities, build the roads, build and do everything and not let outsiders to come in and take over. 

Also, there will be top notch Catholic Canon Lawyers, Liturgy Experts like Cardinal Burke and Cardinal Sarah, Archbishop Sample of Portland, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, etc. will make sure the Priests and Bishops are not heretics and preaches the Authentic Faith and celebrates the Holy Mass properly. If there are heretic priests, bishops, brothers, deacons, will remove them as Charlemagne did and have their priestly and deacon faculties stripped and the Apostolic Order of Silence given.

Then we will re-issue the Church's list of Forbidden Books and add to it by the recommendation of Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Sarah, Bishop Athanasius Schneider

The border security will be iron rebar cement walls, 12 feet high, 20 feet thick, that reach 100 feet below ground, the armorments will be attack drones to keep an eye in the sky, drones will act as first responders to any aggressors, second will be 30 mm aircraft miny guns attached to the wall to stop anyone who poses a threat, plus the best Military Police will scan, search vehicles and under vehicles with the search mirrors and a X-Ray technology that can scan the whole vehicle to see if anything is hiding. Once we find the car and people are cleared, they will proceed into the country, each border they must show papers and get checked.

Anyone who has found out to be helping terrorists, shall be rounded up and sent to maximum prison under ground and will be sent to court and shall be found out if and what they have done. Once everything is done with court, proper sentencing shall take place and will be sent to either minor prison, medium secure prison, or the heavy prison under ground for life. 

This is what it will mostly look like, the officials will also be the People's personal representatives in Parliament, so if something isn't being done as it should, all will report and those who have failed at their duty, will be released of their position and corrections will be made to make sure the people are taken care of and not being harrassed.

Andrew J. Baalman

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