Tuesday, January 17, 2017

To The Basques People

    Sanche I Garcés Mitarra, Duc de Gascogne, Prince des Basques (805 - 864)
    56th great-grandfather

    Sanche II Mitarra Sanche, duc de Gascogne (825 - 893)
    son of Sanche I Garcés Mitarra, Duc de Gascogne, Prince des Basques
    Dhuoda, comtesse consort de Toulouse (804 - 843)
    daughter of Sanche II Mitarra Sanche, duc de Gascogne
    Roselinde (842 - 886)
    daughter of Dhuoda, comtesse consort de Toulouse
    Sénégonde d'Angoulême (870 - )
    daughter of Roselinde
    Sénégonde de Marcillac, I (890 - 943)
    daughter of Sénégonde d'Angoulême
    Sénégonde de Marcillac (915 - 992)
    daughter of Sénégonde de Marcillac, I
    Cadélon II, vicomte d'Aulnay (935 - 1000)
    son of Sénégonde de Marcillac
    Cadelon III, Vicomte of Aulay (940 - 988)
    son of Cadélon II, vicomte d'Aulnay
    Adelais de Carcassonne, comtessa consort de Carcassona (949 - 1011)
    daughter of Cadelon III, Vicomte of Aulay
    Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtessa consort de Barcelona (975 - 1058)
    daughter of Adelais de Carcassonne, comtessa consort de Carcassona
    Godeheut 'd'Espagne' Borrell (995 - 1078)
    daughter of Ermessenda de Carcassona, comtessa consort de Barcelona
    Adeliza de Toeni, Countess of Hereford (1035 - 1070)
    daughter of Godeheut 'd'Espagne' Borrell
    Emma de Guader de Gael (FitzOsbern), Baroness of Gael, Countess of Norfolk (1054 - 1095)
    daughter of Adeliza de Toeni, Countess of Hereford
    Raoul de Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort et Gaël (1073 - 1143)
    son of Emma de Guader de Gael (FitzOsbern), Baroness of Gael, Countess of Norfolk
    Amice (Uta) de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester (1094 - 1168)
    daughter of Raoul de Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort et Gaël
    Hawise de Beaumont, Countess of Gloucester (1120 - 1197)
    daughter of Amice (Uta) de Gaël, Heiress of Breteuil, Countess Of Leicester
    Isabella Countess of Gloucester (1173 - 1217)
    daughter of Hawise de Beaumont, Countess of Gloucester
    Joan Siwan Lady of Wales and Lady of Snowdon (1191 - 1237)
    daughter of Isabella Countess of Gloucester
    Llywelyn ap Seisyll PRINCE OF NORTH WALES (980 - 1023)
    son of Joan Siwan Lady of Wales and Lady of Snowdon
    Collwyn ap Lowarch Prince of Dimetis
    son of Llywelyn ap Seisyll PRINCE OF NORTH WALES
    Gwyn ap Collwyn Prince of Dyfed
    son of Collwyn ap Lowarch Prince of Dimetis
    Gwyn ap Collwyn (1200 - )
    son of Gwyn ap Collwyn Prince of Dyfed
    Ieuan ap Llewelyn (1245 - 1285)
    son of Gwyn ap Collwyn
    Llewelyn ap Ivor Lord of St. Clear manor The Great (1060 - )
    son of Ieuan ap Llewelyn
    Llewelyn ap Gwrgan (1090 - )
    son of Llewelyn ap Ivor Lord of St. Clear manor The Great
    Gruffudd ap Llewelyn (1120 - )
    son of Llewelyn ap Gwrgan
    Gruffudd "Fychan" ap Gruffudd (1150 - )
    son of Gruffudd ap Llewelyn
    Cadwgan ap Gruffudd Fychan (1180 - )
    son of Gruffudd "Fychan" ap Gruffudd
    Cadwgan "Fawr" ap Cadwgan (1210 - 1272)
    son of Cadwgan ap Gruffudd Fychan
    Gruffudd ap Cadwgan Fawr (1240 - 1270)
    son of Cadwgan "Fawr" ap Cadwgan
    Gruffudd ap Cadwgan (1300 - 1364)
    son of Gruffudd ap Cadwgan Fawr
    Aleth ab Alser (930 - )
    son of Gruffudd ap Cadwgan
    Uchdrud ap Aleth (1060 - )
    son of Aleth ab Alser
    Gwrgeneu ap Uchdrud (883 - 980)
    son of Uchdrud ap Aleth
    Iorwerth ap Gwrgeneu (903 - 1000)
    son of Gwrgeneu ap Uchdrud
    Cynddelw ab Iorwerth (930 - 1030)
    son of Iorwerth ap Gwrgeneu
    Rhirid Ap Cynddelw (960 - 1060)
    son of Cynddelw ab Iorwerth
    Sir. Celynyn ap Rhiryd Baron (1270 - )
    son of Rhirid Ap Cynddelw
    Einion ap Celynyn (1300 - )
    son of Sir. Celynyn ap Rhiryd Baron
    Sir Llewellyn Ap Enion Lloyd (1330 - )
    son of Einion ap Celynyn
    Deio (Dafydd) ap Llewelyn Knight (1365 - )
    son of Sir Llewellyn Ap Enion Lloyd
    Ieuan Teg ap Deio Lloyd (1400 - )
    son of Deio (Dafydd) ap Llewelyn Knight
    David Lloyd Justice (1505 - 1555)
    son of Ieuan Teg ap Deio Lloyd
    David Lloyd (1540 - 1588)
    son of David Lloyd Justice
    John Lloyd (1575 - 1636)
    son of David Lloyd
    Charles Lloyd Sr (1610 - 1692)
    son of John Lloyd
    Charles Lloyd II (1637 - 1698)
    son of Charles Lloyd Sr
    Sampson Lloyd (1664 - 1692)
    son of Charles Lloyd II
    Elizabeth Carter Lloyd (1687 - 1740)
    daughter of Sampson Lloyd
    Nicholas Browing (1726 - 1786)
    son of Elizabeth Carter Lloyd
    John Browing Sr (1750 - 1834)
    son of Nicholas Browing
    Margaret Browning (1779 - 1846)
    daughter of John Browing Sr
    Margaret Arine Warfield (1823 - 1885)
    daughter of Margaret Browning
    William Oliver Pulver (1859 - 1930)
    son of Margaret Arine Warfield
    Blanche Pulver (1908 - 1996)
    daughter of William Oliver Pulver
    Maxine Marie Stimatze (1927 - 2000)
    daughter of Blanche Pulver
    Anita Marie Stimatze (1953 - )
    daughter of Maxine Marie Stimatze
    Andrew Jerome Baalman
    You are the son of Anita Marie Stimatze

Nire ikaskide euskal jendea, zurekin partekatu dut nire arbasoen euskaratik bat, nire berrogeita zortzigarren Great Aitona eta Euskal Printzea da, etorri naiz zure borrokaren ikasteko norberaren herrialdean berriro nahi, Espainiako banatutako , egun zaharrak itzuli eta zahar gauzak egiteko modu mantendu, baina zer ikasi dut batetik, batzuk duten oso erradikala eta erabilitako bonbak ziren, hau horrela ez duzuna lortzeko da. Modu ona eta egokia zure independentzia hizketan eta eserita Spainish gobernuak eta lan egiten duten modu out by da iritsi, plus ere etorri British egin zuen bezala, eta independentziaren alde bozkatuko bat eramango.

Maiatzaren Inazio Loiolakoa, Euskal Saint bat, zuk zaintzeko eta babesteko,

Andrew Baalman, Antso Ia Gartzes Mitarra, Duc de Gascogne, Prince des Basques of birbiloba

Mis conciudadanos vascos, os he compartido con vosotros uno de mis antepasados ​​vascos, es mi cincuenta y ocho bisabuelo y príncipe vasco, he venido a aprender de vuestra lucha por volver a querer vuestra patria, separada de España , Para volver a los viejos tiempos y mantener las viejas formas de hacer las cosas, pero de lo que he aprendido, algunos de ustedes que eran muy radicales y usaron bombas, esto no es manera de conseguir lo que quieren. Maneras buenas y adecuadas para obtener su independencia es hablar y sentarse con el gobierno de España y trabajar de esa manera, además de venir como lo hicieron los británicos y llevar un voto a favor de la independencia.

Que San Ignacio de Loyola, un santo vasco, te vigile y te proteja,

Andrew Baalman, Gran Nino de Sanche I Garcés Mitarra, Duc de Gascogne, Prince des Basques

My fellow people of Basque, I shared with you my one of my ancestors from Basque, he is my fifty-eighth Great Grandfather and the Prince of Basque, I have come to learn of your struggle to want your own country again, seperated from Spain, to return to the old days and keep the old ways of doing things, but from what I've learned, some of you who were very radical and used bombs, this is no way to get what you want. Good and Proper ways to get your independence is by talking and sitting down with the Spainish government and work it out that way, plus also come as the British did and lead a vote for Independence.

May Saint Ignatius of Loyola, a Basque Saint, watch over you and protect you,

Andrew Baalman, Great Grandson of Sanche I Garcés Mitarra, Duc de Gascogne, Prince des Basques

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