Thursday, January 5, 2017

Time For The Tsar To Return To Russia

Imperial Coat Of Arms Of The Romanov Family, Part Of Rurik Dynasty I Am Part Of
I think Russia has returned to some what normal way before the Soviet Up Rising In 1917 when my, I am thinking great grandparents and relatives were murdered, I’m not for sure exactly due to not telling. Sure there are still some thugs in power still from the Cold War era, but to help the people of Russia and restore their economy by removing all bad actors who sell weapons to countries of terrorism, or to dicators North of the 38; North Korea and other bad people.  I know the Tsars were mostly Orthodox, but I think a Traditional Catholic as a Tsar can make great strides with the Orthodox to help re-unite the brother Churches into becoming One again.

Because a Tsar is the Supreme Leader of all Russia, Father of the people, but he is also a man who must be strong in Faith and be a man of Prayer and very religious, he must be firm and strong, but also humble and generous and a man who listens to the needs of his people and loves them enough to protect them from all enemies, inside and outside of Russia.  But, I do not think former Soviet Union leadership is the answer, we need fresh leadership to fix the country, strengthen it, fix the economy and that means no more helping bad guys.

Russia would not be the autocratic where the leader is the sole mediator between the Russian People and God, this is a heresy, because Jesus Christ is our mediator between God and Man. It would be a Monarchy, a Catholic One and where the Press has freedom to tell the truth and report on the truth, but making false stories or spinning them will not be tolerated.  Those who make false stories, spin the facts will be imprisoned for ten years and loss of media credentials. Once released, will be given a chance to regain their full media credentials by being given a 3 month trial credentials to see if they have learned their lesson, if after three months and no change, they are not hired back and must find a different line of work.

For more information, see links below:

To learn more GO HERE

Also Here

And Here

It would be an honor to be your Tsar and help you have a better country.


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