Sunday, December 25, 2016

At Least One Christmas Eve Attack

Before going to sleep last night, it broke over Facebook that there was a bomb blast in the Philippines and 12 were injured and the Special Response Police or SWAT as we know it, found a second and so the bomb squad was called in to take care of it. You can read the full details HERE

As being related to all the Royal Houses of Europe, Islam must be banned from all of Europe and the Americas, and so must Political Correctness.  It is Political Correctness that has led to the mess in Europe and most areas in the Americas, we must stop all Political Correctness and ban it from ever taking root again, then remove all their cronies and finally ban Islam due to the writings in it where it says mostly that all non believers must either die or convert, where they write they must spread their faith by the sword and the most radical orthodox fight and kill the infidels by jihad.  Those who do not follow the actual texts but a reformed version where they live in peace is welcomed, not the radical orthodox or any orthodox that helps them in any way. 

Also, the burkas must be banned, because anyone can hide in them and can hide weapons under them, remember the episode of NCIS Los Angeles where the female agent hides with her rifle to take out the Taliban. Then remember the movie and book American Sniper where the mom hides a Chinese grenade to kill our Marines.

With this, Europe and the Americas will be more safer and stronger than they are currently with the EU friendly, Political Correctness lovers, and so forth that has weakened their countries and put their citizens in danger.

I urge all countries to do away with Political Correctness, ban it, outlaw it and do as Slovakia did do not recognize Islam, but outlaw it so that no radical Orthodox Muslim is allowed to enter, those who will change to live according to the culture and laws of the lands and those who are peaceful, can be among us, it is time to crack down to get ahead of this invasion and figure out the good and the bad, also it is time for the Muslim countries in the Gulf Regions to do their part and take in these refugees so they are closer to their homes when it is time for them to return.


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