Friday, December 9, 2016

Regarding the Pro-Life Censorship at Strathclyde University in Glasgow

Regarding the Pro-Life Censorship at Strathclyde University in Glasgow
Fellow Scots, My Dear Scotland, why do you now support a culture of death and throwaway and not a culture of Life and of Christ?  I know your Socialist, Globalist, Open Border EU Friend leader is pushing this secularization and the ruin of Scotland and all the great Traditions and Principles founded on Christ and His Catholic Church. 

To join with the EU and the Socialist Democratic Party of America in creating so called "safe place" on college campuses, you are not protecting the students and helping them be ready to step into the real world after college, you are hurting your students, because in the real world, there is no safe place and there is discussion between people with different Ideologies and no where to run to hide from it, because it is every where we look, see and hear; magazines, music, TV, movies, social media.

By you only promoting a culture of death, a culture where free speech and thought, life is not accepted or allowed, you are no longer a college, but a Socialized Institution To Create Robots where there is no disagreement, no free thinking, no discussion and to single out the students who want to create a place of free thought and discussion, where it should be on a college campus, you deny it and forbid it, to control what your students see, think, feel and believe, as I said, you are creating a Socialist Institution where you purposely design the character of the people you want on campus and demonize those that want to change and bring back free thought and open discussion on the issues to learn. 

So, my dear people, the true Scots that are tired of this Socialized way of life in Scotland and want a true and more Christian way of life to be how Scotland is ruled and colleges reformed back to being actual colleges and not Character Design Labs for Socialism, I say you rise up and vote your current leader and her party out of Scotland and replace it with the Christian Principles Must Be Center Focus To How Cities Are Governed

I would love to lead you, but currently not well enough and won't be for a while and not sure about the ancestry laws and citizenship.  But, you use my post I shared and find someone that does each thing properly and who is a faithful Catholic, Scotland will be better than it is now and a lot more free away from the EU Socialists.


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