Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Invoke Article 50 To Finalize Brexit and Secure The United Kingdom

Madam Prime Minister of Great Britain and fellow people of Britain and the United Kingdom,

It is way past time to finally finish Brexit, I urge you to not wait any longer and invoke Article 50 to finalize the release from the European Union and ending their dangerous open border, globalist elites ideology that has Germany in fear right now due to their seventh attack within their country, plus the many others around Europe by these same illegal migrants.  It is time to secure and restore the great Sovereignty of the United Kingdom and Great Britain, it is time to end this massive invasion to the shores of Europe and time to make sure the citizens are cared for, protected first and foremost, then safety for all law abiding tourists, and then we worry about the migrants.

The migrants should not ever come before the citizens of the United Kingdom and the citizens should not be kicked out of their legally bought and owned homes to be given to the illegal migrants, this is unjust, also, the migrants and Muslims screaming about bringing their Islamic Rule to the shores, they must deported back to their home country with a tracking device that they can't find or remove, if they try to enter the country, they are founded and removed quickly and silently without any harm being done. If those are British citizens screaming this, they should have their citizenship revoked and removed from the country due to a National Security concern for supporting and wanting to make Great Britain into an Islamist country.

Also, if you want true economic growth and freedom, lower taxes, better take home pay and less take out of wages, cheaper but better healthcare and better schools, lower business taxes so more jobs can be created in the UK and so forth? I point you to a few posts I did: One Two Three

These three posts I did, will help the UK be more freer and more independent than they were in the European Union and the economy will boom, so will the British Pound, everything.


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