Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Christian Principles Must Be Center Focus To How Cities Are Governed

To actually and truly govern a city, it must be done by Christian Principles and with Christian Principles. 

If I was and ever became Mayor of London or some other city in Europe, this would be my platform on governing the city and the citizens:

1. The protection of the Traditional Family and Values, Traditional Marriage between One Man and Woman would be placed back on the books to restore morality back into society, the vulgarity of the Pro-Death and other ideologies that are contrary to the Catholic Church which promote contraception use, co-habitation, divorce and re-marriage, throw away culture, sexual immorality shown every where in different media, theater, radio, etc would be no longer allowed free reign to do whatever they want.

2. The protection of the Christian religion and freedom to practice the faith in public and make sure the majority that are Christian, that their rights are protected and no one who is secular, Islamist groups that try to force their own way of life, they try to force Islamist Law, these people will not be allowed to force their own agenda. They must follow the Catholic principles on how a citizen must live, meaning how to be an upright and faithful citizen, meaning they come to know and understand they are not here by chance or whatever, or however Muslims think, by them coming to know Catholic Truths and Teachings they can live it by helping their brother or neighbor be a Faithful Catholic by standing up for Family Values, Defense of the Family, Defense of the unborn, to make sure no one tries to twist or slide in by using trick words and phrases that re-install the throw away culture and culture of death, because those who will never conform and live by Traditional Catholic Values and Principles will try anything to indoctrinate their evil ways back into society and this must never happen again. 

3. A plan to protect the citizens against the migrants already inside the country that rumors or facts back up of already attacking the citizens and the migrants setting up a no go inside the city where any evil can be planned, so a plan to use civilian surveillance, where the good citizens who have nothing to do with the terrorists turning the migrants against the city and citizens, but go to their place of worship and can listen to what is going on or they hang out with their friends who maybe among them and learn things and then they can report whatever little or large amounts of information, because the people next to these people causing the problems must be the eyes and ears of the police and do the right thing. Once a full picture is made with good facts and solid leads, the police and Special Response Teams can swarm in and round up those suspected and then formally question and then if need be, formally charge them. People may say, what their civil liberties and privacy?  The person who is volunteering to do this, knows it is risky, and yes will have on them some sort of recording device, but rights and liberties does not let groups of people plan to harm innocent people or the city itself, plus it will be less abrasive unlike having agents of the city go in and stand out like a sore thumb. 

This was something the city of Wichita Kansas did with advanced Criminal Justice classes, let students go on a rotating schedule to go with their friends to what is called "Old Town" where the clubs are and just go in there and observe if the bartender didn't do their job in carding and if any underage kids drank there, one way to surveillance the area, if the club did let underage drink, call in the cops to do their job, same way in how I plan on rounding up terrorists or those who maybe thinking on joining bad guys. 

On normal law and order where the police aren't tracking down and questioning potential subjects that might be related to terrorism, I would use the innocent until proven guilty method and make sure all lawyers are Catholic Lawyers and un-biased but only seek the Truth to make sure the right person is found and brought to justice. I refer this to St. Thomas Aquinas and Here

4. Taxes and Wages, no tax plan should take much from the worker's wages, because they should be able to have a large take home pay to care for their family better than now, where dollars are being taken left and right out of the wages of the worker, I was thinking of a 3 percent tax, meaning less wages are taken out and items are more affordable and do as President Elect Trump is doing on the 15 percent tax for the businesses to make it more affordable for them to stay in country and build in country products rather out of country, plus do some sort of tax the product if they do leave, meaning if they leave, their product will have to face a stiff penalty that will pay for the penalty of the company. Our city, must help our country become good traders and restore proper economics where there is stable growth and income that helps each family grow and have means of supporting itself and helping their neighbors as well. This is where it follows the Catholic Principle of Distributism which is an economic ideology that developed in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th century based upon the principles of Catholic social teaching, especially the teachings of Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Rerum novarum and Pope Pius XI in Quadragesimo anno

I must also share this other document, What Is Distributism? to help the reader understand the process of which we will follow that is in-line with Catholic Moral Teaching.

On Healthcare, the leftist bishops say socialized healthcare, which does not work, which causes people to wait when they need to be seen right away, they loose their doctor, plus their insurance is way to expensive, and so are the medications. So I recommend studying this information: Distributism and Healthcare System

Housing, I refer you to this information by Hilaire Belloc on housing and property.

7. Please read this on Education Part One Part Two Part Three and Part Four

8. On Restoring Christian Economics

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