Sunday, December 11, 2016

Today There Was A Terrorist Attack

Today, there was a terrorist attack in Cairo Egypt at the Orthodox Cathedral, a woman walked in during Holy Communion and went over to the women and children and blew her explosive vest up, killing 30 and injuring a lot more, huge amount of damage within the Cathedral and the windows were blown out as well.  The President of Egypt has ordered three days of mourning and justice. 

It is time for all world leaders to crack down on Islamist Terrorism that wants to destroy the society and culture of the West and all Democratic Elected Governments in the Middle East; such as Jordan, Egypt, etc.  This will mean the closing of their borders, stopping the visas and such that come from terrorist hotbeds, if the countries has insiders that are part of the problem, those that have citizens among the terrorists, their citizens should have their visas canceled, citizenship revoked, and put on watch list with photo, voice recording, DNA match, eye scan, so that if they come through border security scans, they will be alerted and caught at once. 

Then, they should round up those inside their borders, so they can protect all lawful citizens, then make cuts to necessary waste spending to build up their military to begin helping all countries going after terrorist groups where the Rule of Engagements are to kill the enemy, and interrogate any known family members without torture, to learn more about these people and find out where they are. Then, if the family tells the Military Police that they have contact and help their members who are in these terrorist groups, to arrest them for helping the enemy. 

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