Sunday, December 18, 2016

To All Western and European Countries Regarding Islamist Immigration

To the countries taking in refugees, and those that are not, it just came over twitter that in the refugee camps and system to be migrants, they are using Sharia Law on how and who can enter into our countries. 

Thankfully, Mr. President Elect, soon to be Mr. President Donald J. Trump is taking the Eastern European Approach to the migration system and halting the process all together.  So that each and every single person can be extremely vetted and verified.  Not sure how that will be done, because most of the government buildings where the paperwork is stored is now rubble in Syria.  Unless it is saved digitally to a cloud, it might be darn near impossible to actually vet these people.

Remember, it is time to disband and get rid of the EU and it's globalist, open door socialist ideology that has damaged Europe, I still believe, once the EU is gone and the actual leaders of Europe are re-inserted, Europe can come back, only if it is re-founded on Jesus Christ and the Authentic Catholic Faith, because Europe is a Catholic and each nation of Europe is Catholic.  That is the only way to save and restore Europe, through the Catholic Faith.

It is time to end the globalist, open border, socialist ideology that has damaged the entire world, it is time to return to what made Europe great again, the witness of so many great and holy Catholic leaders who loved Our Lord and protected their people from both physical harm and physical invaders to spiritual harm and spiritual invaders. This is what is needed now, more than ever.

This way the people of Europe will be protected, less burden of all those high taxes, better wages and keep most of what they make for their family, lower insurance and healthcare, but better healthcare, no more socialized medicine or schools, it leads to the problem we face today in Europe and in America that Mr. President Elect Donald J. Trump is working on fixing.

End taking in migrants, track down and remove those that came in, because they are un-verified and can't be vetted just yet, they are a security risk to the citizens of Europe. 


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