Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ban Radical Islam

Islam must be banned in the west and in Europe, those who allow migrants to enter and run wild and chant for Jihad against these countries, chant the wanting of Sharia law, these migrants must be rounded up and no longer allowed to remain in the cities of Europe, it is time to clean up the no go zones in France and all over Europe, it is time to clean house, to clean up and remove these people who do not want to live by the Constitution of this certain country and not live and learn the cultures of the European countries and the Americas.

Islam is not able to work with the non-Islamist countries we live in, it is not a religion, but more a way to live, way to govern; so it is mostly a form of government that is based on killing or forcing others to either convert or die, those who convert back to the Truth of the Catholic Faith, they are facing a death sentenced for leaving Islam.  How can we allow Islam to be taught inside our countries, unless it is a reformed vision that does not follow the false prophet who founded Islam, who was also a rapist, murder, and child abuser?

So, can we begin to not recognize Islam and begin to shut down the mosques, investigating the radical orthodox Imams who preach the Radical Orthodox message of Jihad and kill the un-believer and so forth, all these things must be done to protect our nation and begin rounding up known terrorists and closing known terrorist hot beds, once we do this, return to changing the laws back to common sense and that protecting our nation, sovereignty, and borders come first and keeping those who want to harm us out.


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