Thursday, December 8, 2016

Time For The Renewal of Russia as a Catholic Nation

Now, people may think it is nuts to like Russia or even want them to do well, well I love Russia because of my ancestry and just wish the people of Russia had better leaders than the old members of the Soviet Union or KGB, I don't mind the powerful military, but it must not be used as Russia is using it currently, but a way to keep peace in the world.  True soldiers pray for peace every day but also must be ready to go to war, Just War, not some provocation as Russia did Ukraine and helping a murderous dictator in Syria.

It is currently an Orthodox country ran by the Orthodox Church and the Catholic population and clergy is growing according to reports by EWTN on their documentary regarding the Russian Catholics.  It is time to return back to Our Lord and His Church and restore the great Imperial Russia before the Communist Revolt and killing of most of the Imperial Family and making other parts flee for their life.  This way the people have better wages, jobs, and freedoms they currently do not have or very limited. 

No more should Russia give criminals a place to hide, like the former NSA worker, then other people.  But the outlawing of Islam as is currently the rule of law, because Sharia is not compatible with any European or U.S. or other Constitution. 

Also other ways to protect and foster growth in the Catholic Faith; meaning outlawing and limiting divorce only if the spouse is in an abusive relationship or something else that is just as bad, then annulments must be just as strict to make sure Marriage no longer is part of the throw away culture, then contraception, pornographic images, videos, music, movies, and abortions are outlawed, anyone caught with it face severe jail time and penalties and fines.

We know St. John Paul II with the bishops did do the consecration of the world and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but, it should be done again, solely for Russia to help Russia return back to Christ and His Church.


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