Friday, December 9, 2016

I Support The Disbanding Of The European Union

As many things created in the past to make sure nothing like Nazi Germany could rise up again or the horrors of the Soviet Union and the Gulags in Siberia and the millions killed by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, now I believe it is time to abolish and disband the European Union, because they are now pushing what they sought to defend against, National Socialism and the Culture of Death.

Also, jobs are being lost to the European Union bosses, loss of wages, loss of good healthcare, everything must be approved by the European Union, plus Ideologies that promote the throw away and culture of death and things where the Family and Traditional Marriage is demonized and where so called gay "marriage" is promoted and supported, where pornographic material and shops all over towns and parades, then killing off the ill, elderly, mentally ill and those deem unfit for the benefit of society by calling it mercy or medicine.

It is time to re-form the Catholic governments that used to rule and govern the people, to restore proper and less expensive healthcare, better working conditions, better take home pay, care for newly pregnant mothers and time off for maternal time with pay and not rush them to return to work until they are fully ready and the child is ready as well, making sure the family is ready too.  I have written on this to help set up a Catholic Christian government. Christian Principles On How Cities Should Be Governed

If my government plan is followed, all this would be taken care of, including making cities safe, values of the Traditional Family and Traditional Marriage defended and promoted, all contraception, porn and all this immoral stuff currently allowed and promoted will be denied and banned.


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