Saturday, December 17, 2016

On The Housing Problems In The UK

Regarding The Housing Problem In UK

So, my dear members of the House of Commons and Lords, members of Parliament,
people in England need housing but you keep bringing in migrants and they take the housing from the actual citizens who need them.  I suggest, you install a halt to taking into migrants and take care of the citizens, which means the citizens must come first and the housing taken by the migrants should go to the citizens, also the taxes that are super high in Europe must be low enough to help home builders so they can afford to build new homes and home buyers can afford to buy the homes. 

What you must be thinking regarding migrants and where shall they live? 

They should not brought into the city until they are verified and vetted for security reasons, do as I have been suggesting, a special city where it can be built quickly, but properly; where they live, shop in their local px stores, where doctors check them for diseases that might be foreign to Great Britain and figure out how to fight such diseases and seperate them from the healthy for their own safety, plus screening the terrorists to remove them from the peaceful people. Then once the background checks and screenings are done, those who are terrorists are rounded up and arrested, the ill taken care of, those who came for free stuff sent back, those who want to come, learn the customs and laws and live by them can become citizens, then move from temporary city into the actual city. Or, if the actual city needs more room, the newly built city could be a new suburbs of whatever English city.


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