Monday, December 12, 2016

It Is Time To Protect The Christians Against The Slaughter Of Islamic Terrorism

My dear people of Europe, the people are speaking loud and clear that they want the EU gone, they want their security and borders back and their freedoms and they are tired of the open border, globalist socialists in-charge making their countries unsafe and weakening by allowing un-documented or fake documented Islamist migrants into the countries by the EU promising them free stuff which was costing you the people more than you and the country could afford. It is time to tell the EU to get lost and to disband for the safety and security of all of Europe and the citizens of Europe.  Because the staffers the EU put into power in each of these countries, many sex abuses have happened, many assaults, beatings have happened and the government and civil authorities turn a blind eye to them due to them working with the EU, it is time for a change and time to wake up as Hungary is doing to protect their citizens and other Eastern European Nations, they are saying NO to the EU and not letting in Muslims on the risk of potential security risk and letting in Christians who are in need of help and safety from those trying to kill them off. 

But with many countries being weak by the EU staffers and not having a large number of security forces to protect areas, there is a company to get behind and to help, depending on the local laws it is called a Private Military Company and in other regions of Europe it is called a Private Security Company, it was founded to mainly help and protect the Catholics being targeted by the Islamist Terrorists and now the Orthodox is being targeted as well. 

Right now we seek volunteers who are military veterans, retired, still medically sound and mentally sound, we would like them to be a Christian, but we will also take Protestants and Orthodox and even non-believers to help, but this is a Catholic Organization where the Traditional Latin Mass and Traditional Devotions will be celebrated. We also seek Benefactors; to help us run this great and holy work of protecting the Christians; we are a For Profit, but I, the researcher who is the second member, the first member and founder do not take a salary, each cent we raise through donations will be spent on business items; military and non-military equipment, there are different investment stocks available which will help buy certain things.


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