Monday, December 5, 2016

On The Murder Of A Teenage Girl In Germany By A Islamist Migrant

This post on the murder of a German Teenage Girl and how the German Media thinks it is hurtful to tell the truth of who murdered this innocent girl. 

Political Correctness, Kills, Leftist, Open Border, Socialist, Globalist Ideology Kills.  Frau Merkle is of this party and the German People should be angered, upset and voice their anger properly to the government; if they will listen, because government that is ran by the EU friends and members seem to care more for the Islamist Migrants than their own people, because Germany has covered up numerous rapes, sexual assaults to women in Cologne.

Then in Austria, a woman, a citizen of Austria with blonde hair was mugged and beaten by the Islamist migrants and the Police told her to dye her hair, not go outside alone or stay home in her own country, do the European countries care more about their citizens or about the care of the migrants causing harm and assaults on their people?  Then in Sweden, 40 sexual assaults by Islamist Migrants. 

The only countries carrying about their citizens and the Christians, is Hungary Slovakia and other Eastern European countries

Britain left the EU because of this as well, they were loosing jobs, housing, too many things and finally voted for Brexit.  This is what fueled the American Elections and soon Italy and others to follow suit, freedom to protect their borders, their citizens, and restoring Sovereignty.

Germany, Austria, France, Sweden, etc must have a true change to their Political and Ideological system, no longer can the Socialist, Leftist, Globalist, Open Border political parties must come to an end fast, they are not about the citizens, they are not about the country, they ruin the countries, they ruin their citizens, by bad wages, loss of jobs, loss of housing, loss of security, loss of freedom to show their Christian Faith and to Practice it openly, it is time to stop this non-sense and go back to what was best for the people; where they had good healthcare, no longer socialized medicine where they were forced to buy something they did not want, could not afford and lost the doctors who knew them best and were given doctors who didn't care for the patient but rather saw you as a paycheck, where wages were good and proper, if you did a full days work you got a full days wage, taxes didn't take more than the minimum, meaning you got to keep most of your pay, a government that is Catholic in every way, from top to bottom, where Catholic morality is practiced, where the rights of the unborn is protected and where natural life is conceived to a natural death, no more killing the elderly, the ill, the handicapped, where the Family is protected and defended and so is Traditional Marriage between One Man and One Woman and everything that is un-natural, that is of the globalist, elitist, leftist ideology is outlawed. This is how every country should be ruled, plus the Just War Principles followed for when we must go to war.  I've learned most of this from The Political Writings of Father Vitoria

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